Use Signed Transaction

Buy Energy with Signed Transaction Flow

Step 1: Prepare Wallet and Private Key

  1. Ensure you have access to the wallet's private key you intend to use for the transaction.

  2. Verify that the wallet has sufficient TRX balance to execute the transaction.

Step 2: Estimate TRX Required

  • Use the Estimate of TRX API will be used to calculate the TRX needed for the desired energy amount and rental duration.

Step 3: Generate a Signed Transaction

  1. Option 1: Write your function to generate the signed transaction using the wallet's private key.

  2. Option 2: Use Tronsave Get Signed Transaction API to generate the signed transaction automatically.

Step 4: Create an Order

  • Use the Create Order API to finalize the transaction.

    • Pass the response from the signed transaction (if using the API) or your custom-signed transaction.

    • Include the estimated TRX amount and other required parameters to create the energy purchase order.

API List for Testing - TRON Nile Testnet

  • Estimate TRX: POST

  • Get Signed Transaction: POST

  • Create order: POST

Last updated