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Last updated
Followed by 4 easy steps to understand how to do it manually :
Firstly, you must connect to our market through the Tronlink or TokenPocket,... address account. (Guide to Connecting Wallets with Tronsave)
Scroll down to the Extend Resource section and click the Extend Now button
The Extend Order Tab will appear to look like this
In the first stage Select target, you need to choose one target address that will receive resources. We will use this address as input to scan all possible provider that has a relation with this target address.
You can select an address in 2 ways:
Enter the exact address at the Other target input. If this target is a valid TRON address click to Next button for move to the next step
In the table below we will show all suggested addresses for you. Just click on one of them to move to the next step
Select "Advance" option:
Now you are in the Extend Section stage the display will look like
Too complicated? Let's break it down and explain
Using the same settings will effect to all selected extend and buy request. Same extend only will helps apply only extend for all selected requests, Same duration will help you select same duration for all selected requests
The table that shows all delegators matched resources with the input target address. If available to extend the selection box will ready to select, you can click to select All to chose all possible selection
When you select the selection box of one delegator. Extend options will appear, you can chose 3 types of extend Extend only, Buy more only, or Extend and buy
With the Extend only option, you can choose the extended duration from 1 day to 30 days from now to extend. The chosen extended duration must be greater than the expired time ( Ex: if the old delegated expired in 3 days more you have to choose to extend duration from 4 - 30 days)
Old delegated: A delegated 100k for B and expired at 3 days more
you choose extend duration is 5 days
New delegated: A delegated 100k for B and expired at 5 days more
With the Buy More only option, if the remaining energy resource amount of the delegator is greater than 100k, you can choose the amount to buy more.
Old delegated: A delegated 100k for B and expired at 3 days more
you chose buy more equal 100k energy
New delegated: A delegated 200k for B and expired at 3 days more
With the Extend And Buy option, if the remaining energy resource amount of the delegator is greater than 100k, you can choose the amount to buy more and you can choose the extended duration from 1 day to 30 days from now to extend.
Old delegated: A delegated 100k for B and expired at 3 days more
you chose buy more equal 100k energy and extend duration is 5 days
New delegated: A delegated 200k for B and expired at 5 days more
The estimated payout of this selection will show on the right.
Shows a summary of the total extended amount of all selected items and estimates the total payout for all requests.
At the Extend Order Details stage, we will summarize all extended requirements with the extended amount and extended payout. Please read carefully and click to Extend button to start signing the transfer transaction with the amount same as the extend payout to send your extend request.
Make sure the amount of the transfer transaction is same as the amount in Payout
After checking all the information, click on Sign transaction.
If everything is alright, the extend request is going to success. The popup success of extend request will appear and move to the Successfully stage.