Get one order details
To use this feature you must have the API key. Read here to view how to get our API key
Get one order details by API key
Rate limit: 15 requests per 1 second
id: string, // id of order
requester: string, // the address represent for order owner
target: string, // the address that is received resource
resource_amount: number, // the amount of resource
resource_type: string, // the amount type is "ENERGY"
remain_amount: number, // the remain amount can matching by system
price: number, // price unit is equal to sun
duration: number, // rent duration, duration unit is equal to second
allow_partial_fill: boolean, //Allow the order to be filled partially or not
payout_amount: number, // Total payout of this order
fulfilled_percent: number, //The percent that show filling processing. 0-100
matched_delegates:{ //All matched delegate for this order
delegator:string // The address that delegate resource for target address
amount: number //The amount of resource was delegated
txid: number // The transaction id in onchain
"apikey": <YOUR_API_KEY>
"id": "651d2306e55c073f6ca0992e",
"requester": "TKVSaJQDWeKFSEXmA44pjxduGTxy999999",
"target": "TKVSaJQDWeKFSEXmA44pjxduGTxy999999",
"resource_amount": 100000,
"resource_type": "ENERGY",
"remain_amount": 0,
"price": 67.5,
"duration": 3600,
"allow_partial_fill": true,
"payout_amount": 6750000,
"fulfilled_percent": 100,
"matched_delegates": [
"delegator": "TKVSaJQDWeKFSEXmA44pjxduGTxy888888",
"amount": 100000,
"txid": "transaction_id_1"
Example Code
const GetOneOrderDetails = async (api_key, order_id) => {
const url = `${order_id}`
const data = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
'apikey': api_key
const response = await data.json()
* Example response
* @link
"id": "651d2306e55c073f6ca0992e",
"requester": "TKVSaJQDWeKFSEXmA44pjxduGTxy999999",
"target": "TKVSaJQDWeKFSEXmA44pjxduGTxy999999",
"resource_amount": 100000,
"resource_type": "ENERGY",
"remain_amount": 0,
"price": 67.5,
"duration": 3600,
"allow_partial_fill": true,
"payout_amount": 6750000,
"fulfilled_percent": 100,
"matched_delegates": [
"delegator": "TKVSaJQDWeKFSEXmA44pjxduGTxy888888",
"amount": 100000,
"txid": "transaction_id_1"
return response
curl --location '{{order_id}}' \
--header 'apikey: {{apikey}}'
Last updated